Don Huesman


Don Huesman is the Managing Director of Online Learning at the Wharton School. Previously, Don held positions at Wharton as the Managing Director of the Innovation Group, as a Senior Director supervising technology support for the School’s academic departments and faculty and overseeing the use of technology in Executive Education.Read More

Scott Rosner

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Scott Rosner teaches courses in Sports Business Management and Negotiation and Dispute Resolution. Rosner is Principal of Hudson Sports Consulting, a sports advisory firm with clients that include the National Football League, Major League Baseball, the United States Tennis Association, FedEx, AT&T. Rosner is the lead author of The BusinessRead More

Kevin Volpp

Kevin Volpp photo

Dr. Volpp’s work focuses on developing and testing innovative ways of applying insights from behavioral economics in improving patient health behavior and affecting provider performance. He leads the Penn LDI Center for Health Incentives and Behavioral Economics, 1 of 2 NIH Centers on behavioral economics and health in the UnitedRead More

David A. Asch

David A. Asch photo

Career, Recent Professional Awards, and Teaching Awards RWJF David E. Rogers Award – Association of American Medical Colleges, 2018 Wharton Health Care Alumni Association Achievement Award, 2017 Article of the Year Award – AcademyHealth, 2016 Luigi Mastroianni Clinical Innovator Award, 2014 Distinguished Graduate Award, Perelman, School of Medicine, University ofRead More

Senthil Veeraqraghavan

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Senthil Veeraqraghavan researches on the role of Information and Uncertainty in Operations Management, using Theory and Data Analysis. His current research is on designing dynamic pricing based on customer reactions. His research has appeared in Management Science, Operations Research, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management and Production and Operations Management journals. Read More

Christian Terwiesch

Christian Terwiesch photo

Christian Terwiesch is the Andrew M. Heller Professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He is a Professor in Wharton’s Operations, Information and Decisions department, co-director of Penn’s Mack Institute for Innovation Management, and also holds a faculty appointment In Penn’s Perelman School of Medicine. His researchRead More