The 5 Most In-Demand Digital Marketing Skills

Business people reviewing marketing graphs and charts at a meeting

With people spending more time online than ever before, it makes sense that the bulk of marketing budgets today are allocated toward digital platforms. According to Gartner’s State of Marketing Budget and Strategy 2022 report, digital channels account for 56% of marketing spend. Marketing budgets overall are growing, Gartner found, increasing from 6.4% of company revenue in 2021 to 9.5% in 2022. 

Both B2C and B2B industries are seeing an increased need for digital marketing experts. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) estimates that the  job outlook for marketing managers will grow 10% between 2021 and 2031, which is faster than average for all occupations. 

With job opportunities in the digital marketing space steadily growing, what skills can give candidates an advantage? This guide explores  five of the best digital marketing skills for those looking to start or advance their digital marketing career. 

1. Data Analysis

Digital marketing campaigns provide companies with a wealth of data. To find the most impactful ways to test, track, tweak, and optimize campaigns, you need to be able to analyze and glean insights from this data. Data analysis in digital marketing helps organizations make better decisions and improve the performance of their campaigns. Indeed’s 2022 list of the most in-demand skills for today’s work environments which is based on data and insights from the millions of jobs posted on the site, ranks analysis in the number four spot. 

Digital marketers who work in data analysis need to be familiar with data analytics tools such as Google Analytics, HubSpot, or Meta Business Suite. Digital marketing data analysts may be tasked with presenting reports to other stakeholders. They need to be able to clearly communicate their insights and make recommendations based on data interpretation. 

Related: Business Analytics for Beginners

2. Search Engine Optimization

In 2021, 61% of marketers named search engine optimization, or SEO, as a top marketing priority, HubSpot reports. That’s because ranking highly on Google is crucial for your website’s visibility. According to research by link-building strategy service Backlinko, the top three results on Google get 54.4% of the search engine’s clicks. 

For any business with an online presence—and that’s just about all of them today – landing high in Google’s search results is essential for  awareness, lead generation, and conversions. SEO pros identify keywords that matter to a business and research competitor SEO strategies. They also help identify website issues that could be negatively impacting SEO efforts.

The Global SEO Market Report 2022 from Research and Markets found that the SEO market is projected to reach $122.11 billion in 2028, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.6%. 

3. Social Media Marketing

Social media continues to be one of the most in-demand digital marketing skills, as internet users  increase their daily use of social channels and social media usage rises overall among all age groups. According to the World Economic Forum, in 2021, internet users in the U.S. spent an average of 2 hours and 14 minutes per day using social media. 

Teens spend even more time on social channels, with 19% of teens saying they visit or use YouTube “almost constantly,” and 16% saying the same about TikTok, according to 2022 research by Pew Research Center.

Social media marketers curate content that’s relevant for the social channels businesses use. They may also provide customer service, engage directly with followers, and promote business products and services. 

Influencer marketing is a subset of social media marketing that has become more prevalent in recent years.  Research from Influencer Marketing Hub found that the influencer marketing global market size grew from $1.7 billion in 2016 to $16.4 billion in 2022. Social media managers today are often tasked with identifying large-scale and niche influencers to test and promote their products.

4. Content Marketing

Content marketing refers to a strategy in which brands use written, visual, and auditory content such as  blogs, videos, and podcasts to educate leads and build authority.

Content marketing builds upon several other digital marketing skills. Content marketers use data analysis to understand what type of content resonates with their target audience. From there, they  integrate keywords into content to help it climb higher in search results. They share may also share content on social media channels to build awareness and generate discussions

According to a 2022 report from HubSpot, 66% of marketers expect their content marketing budget to increase year-over-year. 

Short-form video content is a key area to watch, as HubSpot reports it’s the primary form of media used in content marketing. Another key area of focus is to use strategic keywords in content. In Hubspot’s report, 83% of marketers said this was one of their primary SEO tactics. 

5. Video Marketing

Tied closely to the  growing popularity of content marketing, video marketing is one of the most coveted digital marketing skills today. Two video marketing skills made Indeed’s 2022 list of most in-demand skills:

  1. Video production: the ability to record, edit, and produce a video using various video applications 
  2. Animation: a video technique often used to create short explainer videos, tutorials, and commercials 

Video marketers help social media teams create more compelling content. Pew Research Center reports that the video sharing site YouTube is the most popular social network in the U.S., with 81% of Americans using the channel in 2021.  

Wyzowl’s Video Marketing Statistics 2022 report found that people are watching nearly double the amount of online video they were in 2018. As these statistics show, the power of video marketing is clear:

  • 92% of marketers who use video say it’s an important part of their strategy
  • 87% of marketers report video provides a positive return on investment 
  • 86% of video marketers say video has been effective for generating leads—a 5% increase from 2019

In addition to producing content for  YouTube, video marketers are often asked to create videos for platforms such as  Instagram, TikTok and LinkedIn. 

Develop Your Digital Marketing Skills With Wharton Online 

If you’re interested in growing your career as a digital marketer, the online Digital Marketing Certificate Program from Wharton Online can help. In this six-week program, you’ll learn skills such as  marketing analytics, social media marketing, word-of-mouth marketing, and more.  Whether you’re brand new to digital marketing or are hoping to advance within your current role, this certificate program can help set you up for success. 

To get started, enroll in the full certificate program or a single course. You can also request more information for additional details on the program.